Americans will spend an estimated 1/3 of their life-time income on taxes. So one essential part of planning for your retirement is determining your tax liability and developing a strategy to minimize the amount of taxes you pay. I recommend customizing a retirement plan that is able to help take advantage of both tax-deferred and tax-free growth opportunities.

There are many risks that you can be exposed to in your retirement account. Some can decimate your account leaving you without money in the later years of your retirement, while others can slowly rob you of years of retirement income. One of my primary goals is to protect my clients’ retirement accounts from these risks. I specialize in helping individuals safeguard their retirement nest eggs while still participating in market growth by offering a variety of insurance products.

The goal of life insurance should be to ensure that your loved ones will not incur financial stress by having their current lifestyle interrupted due to the loss of a family member. Too many Americans fail to have their lives adequately insured, which inevitably adds severe financial strain on surviving family members during an already difficult time.

In 2015 alone, Americans lost track of $7.7 billion worth of retirement savings by “accidentally and unknowingly” abandoning their 401(k)s. Many others lost some of their 401(k) funds from an improper post-employment handling of them. I assist my clients in properly rolling over their old 401(k)s so that they avoid costly mistakes with the process.

Legacy Planning is one key element of any successful retirement plan and helps ensure that your legacy carries on to help your loved ones, and that your final wishes are respected. I help my clients plan their legacy in a variety of ways based on whether they’re looking to preserve assets for future use, or transfer their wealth to their beneficiaries.

A virtual “safety deposit box” for our clients to upload important documents and view financial information. It comprises three dynamic components, including a secure portal to send and store confidential financial documents, daily investment and banking values, as well as snapshots of financial assets and expenses to view.